
Hi! My name is Freda! You can also call me Frito or Fredward if you want! I'm just a socially awkward nerd who enjoys anime, manga, video games, warrior cats, and crushing on fictional men! My pronouns are she/her, though I don't care if you use they/them either. For more details, check my General About page!

General About

So, first off, I'm 26 years old and just an awkward nerd in general. I'm not always the best at conversation but I try my best. Feel free to interact and/or message me if you like. I also have a Retrospring if you want to send me anything anonymously. You can find it linked in my Links section!

Name: Freda (pronounced Fred-ah). You can call me Frito as a nickname if you like.
Pronouns: She/Her (cis)
Age: 26
Horoscope: Capricorn (just for fun; I don't put much stock into them)
Asexual and possibly aromantic but I love fictional men.

  • I'm a huge Pokemon fan! I collect the cards, plushies, some other merch, and of course play the games.

  • I enjoy anime, though I'm really behind on recent stuff.

  • I love playing video games, especially Pokemon and Fire Emblem. I want to get into more things though.

  • I'm a fan of the Warrior cats book series.

  • I love animals in general but cats of all kinds are my favorites.

  • I'm currently hyperfixating on Twisted Wonderland but I'm not a huge Disney person outside of that.

  • I'm an artist and went to college for it but I'm currently treating it as a hobby.

  • I enjoy collecting various things related to my fandom interests and sometimes I share those.

  • I grew up with selective mutism and as a result I'm extremely socially awkward even as an adult. I am trying my best though.

  • I strongly suspect I am neurodivergent and possibly either have autism or adhd, maybe even both. I want to get a proper diagnosis though.

  • I've had crushes on fictional (animated) guys since I was very young and I like to yume/self-insert ship with whatever character I'm crushing on at the time. Currently that is Silver from Twisted Wonderland (previously it was Vil). I'm fine with sharing! You can find more information on my Yume page.

  • Outside of yume/oc x canon shipping I don't really care about shipping in fandoms. I view most things platonically unless it's written otherwise.

  • I have a tendency to ramble a lot

  • I think I can be somewhat childish for my age sometimes

  • Sometimes I enjoy dumb memes and shitposts

  • I consider myself a gender non-conforming (cis) woman. I don't care about gender norms. I guess you can say I'm kind of tomboyish for a lack of a better word? Except I'm more of a nerdy tomboy rather than a sporty kind.

But anyways, you can find more information on what anime I've watched, manga I've read, and games I've played on my interests tab.

Pokemon, anime, manga, art, animals, nature, traveling, pasta, fictional characters, cats, video games, ghost stories, collecting things, plushies, tea, Japanese and video game music, animation (consuming it, not creating), pretty anime boys, self-insert/yume shipping, dragons, Neopets

Sports, most seafood, bigoted and closed-minded people, too much responsibility, too much socializing, public speaking, snobbery, oversexualization in general, myself dancing or singing, alcohol & other drugs (recreational), people who aggressively hate cats, shipping culture in general, people who force their religious beliefs

My Interests

Pokemon has been my main interest since I was around 8. I've been collecting the cards since then, and I also collect plushies and some other merch. I play as many of the games as I can. My first Pokemon game and game overall was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, and my first main-series game was Pokemon Diamond. I can name all 1,015 Pokemon and counting! I can immediately memorize any new Pokemon they release. Okay, not that impressive to the average person, but I like to own having Pokeyman brain. So far I've played all of these games, including mobile games and free-to-play games I spent a decent amount of time on:

Fire Emblem is my second favorite game series after Pokemon. Awakening was my first Fire Emblem, while Three Houses is my favorite. I've only played the newer games but would like to play the older ones if I get the chance. I also own Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes, Engage, and the digital version of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light but haven't been able to play them yet. These are the games I've played so far.

I also enjoy the Legend of Zelda series going by what I've played so far and the occasional Mario game. I was obsessed with Animal Crossing New Horizons for a while and loved Okami. I also found the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm games really fun even though I'm not really into Naruto anymore. I want to branch out and try more games from different series. When I was younger I would only play Pokemon games, so I haven't played a very diverse amount of games. Anyways, here's everything else I've played at this point.

I'm also a fan of anime. In recent years I've really fallen off with watching anime in favor of playing video games and there are a lot of series I plan to watch eventually. I also occasionally read manga, but usually for anime I already really liked.
Here's some favorites, while for more detailed information you can check my MyAnimeList account. Just ignore the Plan to Watch section because I need to completely redo it and delete most entries. I also don't update it frequently.

I've been reading the Warrior cats book series by Erin Hunter for over 15 years. They aren't all that well-written and are full of problems but I'll still keep reading them because I'm trapped in cat hell now. I've read and own almost all the books in the series aside from a few I need to catch up on. It's a huge series, so reading all of it is a timesink, and they keep putting out more books. Warriors is also the reason cats are my favorite animals.

Other interests

I got into Twisted Wonderland around January 2022 and have been obsessed ever since! It's my current hyperfixation. I love the art and the characters. I've never been a huge Disney fan but it didn't stop me. I decided to get into it because I thought Malleus's design was gorgeous. Eventually Vil ended up becoming my favorite but I still love Malleus too. Even though Vil is my favorite, Diasomnia is still my favorite dorm overall, and I love the gothic aesthetic. That's why I themed my Carrd after it. I really should watch more of the Disney movies the characters are actually based on though... However, out of all the Disney movies I HAVE seen, The Lion King has been my favorite since childhood. Ironically Savanaclaw isn't one of my favorite dorms. Probably because of the sports/jock theme, which isn't so much my thing (though I like all the dorms). I play on both the Japanese and English versions, though my English account is my main. Also, I have spent way too much on merch in a short time...

I kind of enjoy virtual pet sites sometimes I guess, though it's hard for me to keep up with them consistently (darn adhd, probably...plus just having other things to do). I casually play on FlightRising here and there, though I'm not good at keeping my dragons fed. I love the art and creature designs and that's what keeps me there, pretty much. My username is GreedlingYao (made the account during my Fullmetal Alchemist hyperfixation), if you're interested in looking me up on there.

Neopets was one of my major childhood interests, though it was because of the McDonald's plushies. I LOVED collecting them and trading them with a friend at school. I didn't have the internet at home when I was a kid, so I didn't get to actually play online. But I was still obsessed at one point, and even had a subscription to the official magazine. I have an account now, and it isn't much, but I play around with it somewhat. I still own a lot of the plushies though, including my childhood McDonald's collection, which I still hope to complete someday. Some of my favorite Neopets are Lupes, Xweetoks, Hissis, Pteris, Eyries, and Kougras.

My Favorite Characters

Characters I relate to the most
*Omg, they're just like me

Before You Follow

  • General don't follow criteria: No racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc. I don't like bigoted people!

  • If I am following someone genuinely problematic, just let me know. I follow way too many accounts and there's no way I can keep up with everything. I will also use my own judgment when choosing whether to unfollow or not.

  • I like yumeshipping. This means I like to ship a self-insert with characters I have crushes on. If you have a problem with that or think it's "cringe" you may not want to follow me. You don't have to be into it, just don't be hateful.

  • I don't really care much about canon x canon shipping so just don't expect to see much of that from me.

  • I share yume ship art from other accounts because I think it's cute. I am fine with sharing, but keep this in mind if you are non-sharing.

  • I do not support crypto, nfts, or AI "art."

  • I am generally chill but sometimes I might use twitter to vent.

  • I have a lot of insecurities and self-confidence issues. I will probably tweet about those occasionally.

  • I overshare sometimes.

  • I ramble a lot. I'm sorry if some people find that overwhelming. It's a habit and I guess I feel the need to overexplain everything.

  • I sometimes go long stretches without posting art. I struggle with motivation and focus, and sometimes I just don't feel like posting it. If you follow me just for art, keep that in mind.

  • I share a lot of stuff, especially fan art.

  • I try to keep things here PG-13. I don't share explicit nsfw and I won't delve too deep into sexual topics, though there may be mentions of sexual things, especially when discussing asexuality. I am not comfortable being too "horny on main" on Twitter.

  • I don't consider myself an "Anti" or a "Proshipper". I hate the discourse over this. I don't wish to associate myself with the extremes on either side. Here's the deal: I don't condone harassment and I realize that fiction =/= reality and someone liking something in fiction doesn't necessarily mean they support it in reality. That said, I'm not a fan of hugely "problematic" fan content. I also think fiction CAN affect reality. Things like incest ships (actual incest, not like childhood friends or whatever), sexualizing characters who clearly look like young children, and shipping children with adults far older than them, and sexualizing non-consensual situations doesn't sit right with me. I won't say anything to you about it or make or share call-outs over fiction though. I might find it gross, but I just ignore it.

  • If you think I'm "too old" to have a yumeship with whichever character I yume with, please just mute/block instead of trying to shame me. It has happened before, and it affected my mental health pretty badly. If my yumeship makes you uncomfortable for any reason, just mute/block and move on, please. My fictional crushes mean a lot to me.

  • I get really obsessed and excited over my fictional crushes and will talk about them A LOT.

  • My twitter account isn't dedicated to any one fandom. Right now I'm hyperfixating on Twisted Wonderland, so I post a lot about that. I may still post about other things I like, and things change with new hyperfixations.

  • I don't immediately follow people back who follow me. I usually follow people because I like their content somehow. I may follow you back if we interact enough though!

  • I am awkward and not the best at conversation. I might take time to respond to things. But feel free to interact with/message me! I'll try my best and I do want to make more twitter friends but...I also have social anxiety that extends less-so to the internet...

  • I don't talk much about big important issues here though I may say things on occasion. I keep most of my experience here fandom-related. Please don't take this to mean I don't care. I care more than you may realize. It's exhausting trying to keep up with all the bad things going on in the world through social media.

  • I can be very opinionated about things. I hope people don't find me intimidating or aggressive because of that but I promise I'm actually just a little creature with too many thoughts in my head.

  • I understand being critical of your interests, but I personally don't like to spend my time complaining about things I like. That doesn't mean I will never give criticism where it's due, but I like to focus on what I love about my interests. Seeing too much negativity over my interests depresses me.

  • That said, I may enjoy some fictional media that may be considered too "problematic" by some people. For example, Black Butler and Attack on Titan. If me being into a certain show/anime/game makes you uncomfortable, just mute or block. If you think it makes me a bad person, also mute/block. I don't necessarily like or agree with everything the creators of my interests do or think, and I may even dislike certain aspects of the media itself. Whether I will stop consuming something is up to me. If I think the money and support the creators get is doing direct harm, then I will likely choose not to support them, but the decision will be mine and not because anyone pressured me into it.

  • Sometimes I am silly and goofy and not too serious. Maybe replace "sometimes" with "often."

My Art

Art has been one of my hobbies since I was very young. I'm mainly a traditional artist as I currently have a small amount of experience with digital, but I'm working on learning more. As for medium, I mainly use Copic Markers overlayed with some Prismacolor colored pencils. I used to work entirely in colored pencil, but Copics sped up my process. Nonetheless, my art process is pretty tedious and with my combined focus issues I don't finish art as frequently as I'd like.I actually have a college art degree, but I have ultimately decided to just do art as a hobby. I don't think an art career is for me. Maybe one day I'll try to figure out merch making or something like that, but for now, I want to just draw things and I hope people will like it.I mostly like to draw fan art, especially of pretty anime boys and the occasional Pokemon. I also like drawing animals but I don't do as much of that these days. Fun fact: I used to never draw people until maybe middle school. Before then, I pretty much only drew animals, Pokemon, and other creatures.You can find links to my art in my Links section, but there's some of my favorite pieces currently.

Yume Stuff

First, what is yume or yume shipping? Yume can be short for yumejoshi, yumedanshi, or yumejin. Yume means "dream" and yumejoshi as a whole basically means "dreaming girl." LIkewise, yumedanshi is a masculine version that basically means "dreaming boy" and yumejin is a gender neutral version. A person who is a yume likes to imagine themselves in relationships (usually romantic, but they can be platonic too) with fictional characters. We usually use a self-insert or OC to pair with the character we like. It can also be called self-insert shipping, self-shipping, or OC x Canon.Why do I yume myself? I've had crushes on 2D fictional characters since before I completely understood what a crush was. I've been this way my entire life. In fact, I've never dated a real person. I'm just not sure if I could ever feel the same way romantically for a real person as I do fictional characters. Not all yume shippers are like this, but that's just how it is for me. Some yumes have no problem with finding irl relationships and may even be married.I use a self-insert character to ship with my fictional crushes. Her name is Finnley, and she heavily represents myself. Maybe she's a tad less socially awkward though. Still pretty awkward. I first created her as an insert for the game Fire Emblem Three Houses, so she's still pretty new. Back then, I shipped her with both Dimitri and Yuri. Currently I'm using her as my main character for Twisted Wonderland, and her design has been updated. She is currently shipped with Silver, though she was previously shipped with Vil and briefly with Malleus (it changes with my fictional crushes lol). Their ship name is Silfinn. I will add her updated artwork and more information when I am ready.I am also fine with sharing! In fact, I love seeing more people love on my faves! If you don't share then I will try my best to respect your boundaries though.Occasionally with my fictional crushes there may be some canon x canon ships that I however DO get a bit jealous over. In general I don't really do shipping outside of yume. I don't mind if you ship those ships! I just don't necessarily want someone talking to me about how it's so good and canon, etc. I know it's a little silly and there's really nothing wrong with the ships. Usually I end up feeling that way because of the shippers rather than the ship itself.

As a place-holder until I have more actual content, look at my love, my Silvy-wilvy!Also reasons why I love Silver so much!
I started off with a crush on Malleus which soon changed to Vil, and I yumed with Vil for less than 2 years. I always had a soft spot for Silver and thought he was adorable and handsome but it was Book 7 that made me fall for him completely. Long story short, I have a thing for pretty anime boys crying. Anyways, even when I yumed with other characters I knew Silver would objectively be my best match. He's sweet, selfless, gentle, quiet, soft-spoken, calm, responsible, hard-working, and mature. He's good with animals, strong, protective of his loved ones, dedicated, and also GORGEOUS. He has the cutest smile and prettiest eyes. He can be a bit airheaded sometimes but that makes him more adorable. He's chill and not the type to be judgmental, and we both don't concern ourselves with our outer appearance so much (basically, as long as we're presentable, we're fine). He's my ideal man.
I also relate to his difficulty expressing his emotions. I also come off emotionless and cold around others and often speak in monotone. That's caused a lot of people to misunderstand me, so his Dorm SSR vignette is so good to me. It breaks my heart how the other students make assumptions about him and he feels like he needs to change himself to stop making his classmates uncomfortable, but in the end he's basically told he's fine as he is. Which he is! He's so wonderful and deserves the world! I know a common perception of Silver is that he's boring, but to me he's perfect and so lovable just the way he is.

Favorite Pokemon

I have way too many favorite Pokemon so I broke them into three tiers. I like a lot of legendary and popular Pokemon, so my tastes might seem kinda basic or like a 12 year old's, buuuuut oh well. Also for some reason I can't bring myself to actually dislike any Pokemon, though I definitely have least favorites. Anyways, this is probably mostly for my own self-reference than anything.


